FOI Request - Environmental Health Staffing and Systems
Request 101003356713
1. Please can you provide me with the name/s, job title/s, contact number/s and email address/es of the Head of Regulatory Services and Head of Environmental Health.
2. Details of your current licensing platform/ systems relating to Regulatory Services/ Environmental Health including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. For example, Northgate, Idox, Civica, Verso, Jadu.
Response 04-08-2023
1. James Grant, further contact details are available in a response to a previous FOI request. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:
2. IDOX, Contract via DAS Direct Award, start date 1st April 2023 to 31 March 2028, contract period 5 years followed by two plus 1 year extension mutually agreed. Contract costs are not divided in to service areas, contract covers the whole IDOX suite of software used by Moray Council e.g. Uniform, DMS, Public Access, Connectors etc. This contract covers the following current licensing platform/ systems relating to Regulatory Services/ Environmental Health.