FOI Request - Council Tax Debt

Request 101003348399

Please provide figures for each of the following financial years: 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.

1) What was the total value of unpaid council tax debt owed to the council at the end of each financial year?

2) For each year, what was the total value of council tax debt accrued in that 12-month period?

3) In each year, how many households were sent a final notice instructing them to pay the year's council tax in full after missing earlier payments?

4) In each year, how many times did the council instruct bailiffs to enforce liability orders for non-payment of council tax?

5) In  each year, how many cases were taken back from bailiffs after the council accepted the individual was vulnerable?

Clarification sought 14-07-2023. 

No clarification received therefore case closed as invalid 11-09-2023.

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