FOI Request - Care Roles

Request 101003346936

Please provide me with the following information for all roles that deliver homecare and residential care (residential care refers to any adult social care service which provides care to older people in a residential environment which is not their own individual residence), by return email:

1. Current Grade Structure
2. Job Title
3. Current Grade
4. Current Hourly Rate
5. FTE per job title

Clarification requested 30-06-2023

Clarification received 10-07-2023

Response 04-08-2023

Please note, the Moray Council do not provide residential home care for older people in Moray, all provision for this sits with private providers.

Therefore all the figures below are regarding Care at Home.

1. -3. and 5. The response to your request can be found here.

4. This information has been published in a previous FOI request and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 ' information otherwise accessible'. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here.

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