FOI Request - Classroom Evacuations

Request 101003345402

1.  Can you tell me how many classroom evacuations there were in all schools between January 1 and December 31 for the following years?

a) 2022
b) 2021
c) 2020
d) 2019
e) 2018

2.  For the dates in question 1, can you tell me the name of any school experiencing a classroom evacuation, and how many incidents there were at each school?

3.  For the dates in question 1, how many teaching hours have been lost in each school because of classroom evacuations?

4.  For the dates in question 1, what is the cost per school of dealing with classroom evacuations?

5.  Can you tell me how many classroom evacuations there were in all schools between January 1 and May 31 in 2023?

6. For the dates in question 5, can you tell me the name of any school experiencing a classroom evacuation, and how many incidents there were at each school?

7. For the dates in question 5, how many teaching hours have been lost in each school because of classroom evacuations?

8. For the dates in question 5, what is the cost per school of dealing with classroom evacuations?


Response 19-07-2023

Please note that this information is not routinely recorded by the majority of schools.  Figures attached are from those schools who do have some records.  Please find this information here

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