FOI Request - ADHD & Military Referrals

Request 101003342430 

Please could you provide information on the following:
(1) Do you accept referrals for currently serving Military Personnel for an ADHD Assessment.
(2) If the answer to (1) is “no”, to what agency or service do you direct the serving military person to.
(3) If the answer to (1) is “yes”,  how many referrals have you received, by year, for the last 5 years.
(4) How many assessments for ADHD have you completed, by year, for the last 5 years, for currently serving Military Personnel
(5) How many positive ADHD diagnosis have you made, by year, for the last 5 years, for currently serving Military Personnel.
(6) Do you prioritise  currently serving Military Personnel for an ADHD assessment.
(7) What categories of people do you prioritise for an adult ADHD assessment.
(8) What support do you offer to currently serving military personnel who you diagnose with ADHD
(9) What is your current waiting time for all adult referrals for an ADHD Assessment.
(10) How many Shared Care Agreements do you currently have for serving military personnel.


Response 17-07-2023

This information is not held - Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002


In the interest of being helpful, we would direct you to NHS Grampian's Freedom of Information page:

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