FOI Request - Environmental Fixed Penalty Notices

Request 101003340381 

For each of the financial years 2018/19, 20/21, 21/22, 22/23, please  could you provide the following information on fixed penalty notices issued by the council:

1. The number of fixed penalty notices issued for litter, dog fouling, and fly-tipping, broken down by ward.

2. The number of fixed penalty notices issued for litter, dog fouling and fly-tipping that were subsequently paid, broken down by ward.

3. The number of unpaid fixed penalty notices issued for litter, dog fouling and fly-tipping that were subsequently referred to the Procurator Fiscal for further action.

4. The number of unpaid fixed penalty notices issued for litter, dog fouling and fly-tipping that were written off.

5. The number of FTE equivalent staff employed at the end of each financial year who were authorised to issue one or more of these Fixed Penalty Notices.


Response 10-07-2023

Please find the information you requested here

Q.3 - NIL
Q.4 -Difference between Q.1 and Q.2
Q.5 - 0.1 FTE each year

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