FOI Request - Removal of Books from School Libraries

Request 101003339722

Please provide the following information for each of these secondary schools:

(1) Elgin Academy, (2) Milne's High School, (3) Forres Academy, (4) Lossiemouth High School, (5) Buckie High School, (6) Keith Grammar School, (7) SPeyside High School, (8) Elgin High School

For each school year between and including 2018/19 and 2022/23, please can you disclose:

1.  The number of requests made from an external party to the secondary school to remove a book from the school library or the reading list.

2.  The title and author of all books for which such a request has been made.

3.  The reason given for each individual request.

4.  The outcome of the request ie. if the book was removed from the school library or reading list.

Response 30-06-2023

1- 4. Not held. No requests have been received. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held."

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