FOI Request - Pupil Absences

Request 101003338815

For each academic year from 2016-17 to 2021-22:

1.  Total number of pupils in each year group P1-S6

2.  Number of pupils in each year group (P1-S6) with attendance of 90% or less

3.  Number of pupils in each year group (P1-S6) with attendance of 80% or less

4.  Number of pupils in each year group (P1-S6) with attendance of 50% or less


Response 05-07-2023

Please find the information you requested here.

Please note where it is marked * the numbers are so few that disclosure would risk identifying individuals. This information is therefore exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, personal information.

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