FOI Request - LGBT Policies

Request 101003338589

I am interested in issues of gender sexuality inclusion in the authority area.

For the last year up to date, but inclusive of information and documents from work which may have begun before this period and is still being pursued by the council.

(For example, a project to devise an action plan may have begun in 2020, but plans  may still be used by the council now)

1. Could you please outline an projects undertaken to increase inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally

For example, putting out pride flags or rainbow crossings, staging  Pride march, or a drag queen story hour, school outreach work

2. Could you please outline any policies relating to inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, and any particular guidance for staff used (perhaps from an outside body) or devised by the authority itself - and can you provide examples of this.

For example, a guide to correct use of language (particularly gender-inclusive language) or targets for representation

3.  If possible, could you provide a cost breakdown from 2020 on spend to date on the following:

Pride flags
Rainbow crossing
Badges or pins related to LGBTQIA+ (pronoun badges for example)
Pride march expenses broken down in as much detail as possible
Drag queen events (story horus for example)
School events overseen by the council in some way

4. For the above work to, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, charities with expertise in this area)

5.  Can you also detail any outside advice of consultation offered or procured for all issues detailed above, i.e, boosting LGBTQIA+ inclusion in libraries and museums
For example, advice given by Stonewall

Response 23-06-2023

1. Rainbow flag at Moray Council HQ was raised in June 2016 to commemorate the victims of the Orlando Night Club shooting. It has been raised every year since to mark Pride month.
Elgin Library has a range of stock that broadly falls under 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' themes and titles from our existing collections will have been highlighted on book displays etc. in various locations - we do not capture data on the specifics of these though. Elgin Library hosted a Pride in Moray exhibition in the Gallery to coincide with LGBT+ History Month in February and drag queen story telling in June.
2. N/A
3. None - No costs associated with Drag Queen Story telling or other activities hosted by Elgin. Cost of the rainbow flag £155 + VAT. 
4. N/A
5. Elgin library received a LGBTQ+ book list last year from Four Pillars that had been developed with Aberdeen Council.
This has been used to inform stock selection, though any purchases are subject to our library’s own stock policy as well. No cost associated with this.

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