FOI Request - Free School Meals Information

Request 101003336793

1.  What provision during the summer holidays 2023 is available for children who are ordinarily eligible for free school meals?

2.  What is the budget allocated for this year’s scheme?

3.  How many children are eligible for the support?

4.  How much money has been allocated per child?

5.  What is the eligibility criteria for the support?

Response 23-06-2023

The information for Q1, Q4 and Q5 is available on our website at:

This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

2. The 2023 summer holiday support payments estimate is £101,112. This is funded by Scottish Government as part of the general grant to local authorities.

3. As at 14/04/2023 there are 1,382 pupils financially eligible for free school meals.

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