FOI Request - Employee Information

Request 101003332733

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please state the name and email address of;

1. Your CEO (or similar position if you do not have a role with this exact title)

2.  Your HR Director (or similar position if you do not have a role with this exact title - this could be Director of People, Head of HR etc.  I am looking for the person primarily responsible for HR/People/Workforce)

3.  The person and role responsible for workforce productivity and/or performance

4.  The person and role responsible for people/workforce analytics and data

Response 26-06-2023

1.  Chief Executive:  Roddy Burns

2.   Head of HR, ICT & Organisational Development:  Frances Garrow

3.  Chief Executive:  Roddy Burns

4.  Head of HR, ICT & Organisational Development:  Frances Garrow

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