FOI Request - Complaint Information

Request 101003332624

1.  A .csv file detailing a list of all the different complaints the council has received over the past 12 months. It would be great for the file to contain as much information about the complaints as possible under the Information Act.

This would include - the compliant type, heading of the complaint, what the complaint was about and the date and month the complaint was filed.

Include an overview of the data, sharing:
The total number of complaints in the past 12 months.
The percentage of the complaints upheld.
The complaint type with the highest amount of complaints.
The complaint type with the lowest number of complaints

Response 13-06-2023


The Council publish complaints data in the Complaints Handling Annual Reports available on the following link under the heading Complaints Reporting.  In addition, complaints data is published quarterly as part of routine performance reporting and available on the backing tables for each service under the column heading of ā€˜Cā€™. 

This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

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