FOI Request - Vaping in Schools

Request 101003332605

1.  Please can you provide me with the number of incidents relating to vaping recorded in schools in the last three years broken down by each year?

2.  Please provide details on the incidents where possible.

3.  Please can you state how many vapes or e-cigarettes have been confiscated by school staff in the same time period?

4.  For the same period, please provide details of how many parents or carers have been contacted by schools with regards to allegations their child has been vaping?

Response 22-06-2023

1.-4. Any vaping incidents would be recorded in each pupil's personal record. We would have to look in every pupil file to get this information. Given that there are approx. 12200 pupils and assuming 5 minutes per file for the last 3 years, this would take 3050 hours. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this request.

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