FOI Request - Council Employees

Request 101003331915

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information:

1. The amount of employees your council currently employs as of June 6th 2023
a) Please also breakdown this information showing the amount of employees employed in a job role related to front-line health and social care
b) Overall this should include any bank/casual/relief workers

2. The amount of vacancies your council currently has open either internally, externally or both
a) This should include for any vacancy in any department in any job
i. Please also break down this information showing how many of these roles are related to front-line health and social care e.g. carers/support workers etc.

3. The amount of unfilled posts that have had to be readvertised either internally, externally or both in the last financial year
a) Again, this should include for any vacancy in any department in any job

4. The amount of leavers (either through resignations/retirement/redundancy or dismissal) who have subsequently returned to employment within your council within 3 years of their leaving date
a) Again, this should include for any role in any department in any job

5. The amount of agency workers who have been employed by your council to fill staffing gaps
a) Again, this should be for any department and any job

6. In terms of agency worker use please provide me the following information;
a) Please provide me overall information on the amount of money spent in employing the services of a work agency during time period 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022
b) Please breakdown this information by confirming the individual spending on agency workers broken down by each specified lot;
i. Lot 1: Administration and secretarial roles
ii. Lot 2: Finance, accounts and audit roles
iii. Lot 3: IT technicians, analysts and technical engineers
iv. Lot 4: Management roles
v. Lot 5: Any additional money spent on agency not covered by an above lot
c) Provide me with the job roles of council officers who ultimately decide when to employ the services of a work agency or if this is not done by a specific set of job roles please provide me the lowest work level pay-grade of a council officer who can authorise the employment of an agency worker

Response 26-07-2023

1. Total employed in front line health and social care as of 06/06/2023, including Relief staff = 907 employees

2. a) As of 6th June 2023 = 51 vacancies in total

b)   As of 6th June 2023 = 15 vacancies relating to front line health and social care

3. Of the vacancies advertised between 01/04/2022 and 31/03/2023, 327 were marked as being re-advertisements

4. Not held. This information is not recorded. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

5. & 6. a) & b) This is exempt under Section 25 – Information Otherwise Accessible. For ease of reference please see here:

6c) Not held. There is no formal policy as such. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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