FOI Request - Culture Strategy

Request 101003329975

Can I please request the following information under freedom of information legislation:

1. Does your local authority have a culture strategy? This strategy, for example, would aim to expand culture in the region. The Scottish Government have published their culture strategy for example: A Culture Strategy for Scotland - (

2. A brief description of your culture strategy?

3. How many publications of this strategy are there?

4. When was the first and most recent culture strategy published?

5. How does your local authority measure success of the strategy?

Response 22-06-2023 

1. No. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

 As a local authority, cultural strategies are developed in conjunction with the sector partners and are not the sole responsibility of the Local Authority. Moray does not currently have a formal cultural strategy; previous work on Moray's Great Places identified an action plan and next steps but this was significantly impacted by the pandemic. The Council's main focus in the Cultural Sector is the delivery of the Cultural Quarter project of the Moray Growth Deal, which seeks to support and develop the wider cultural sector across Moray.

2. N/A
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. N/A

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