FOI Request - Headteachers in Multiple Schools

Request 101003329647

1.  The number of headteachers working in your local authorities primary, secondary and special schools?

2.  For each of the past 10 academic years, the number of headteachers working in multiple schools?

*can this be broken down by primary, secondary and special schools?

Response 22-06-2023

1. 41 primary, 8 secondary, 1  special

2. Please note, all of the figures below relate to Primary Schools:

13/14 - 1
14/15 - 3
15/16 - 5
16/17 - 5
17/18 - 5
18/19 - 5
19/20 - 5
20/21 - 5
21/22 - 5
22/23 - 5

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