Mosstodloch Masterplan


The masterplan was prepared by Crown Estate Scotland who sought to engage with the community to develop proposals through events held in June and October 2022. The draft masterplan was approved for consultation on 30 May 2023 by the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee. Consultation ran from 5 June until the 28 August 2023. The consultation period has now closed and the comments received will be reported back to the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee to consider along with a final masterplan. 

Draft Mosstodloch 2040 – Masterplan

The draft masterplan considers what Mosstodloch could be in 2040 (and beyond) and proposes the following elements.

  • A western spine road from the Cowfords roundabout connecting to Garmouth Road with a mix of employment uses accessed off this.
  • A new housing site (120-150 houses) to the west of the village
  • A mixed use housing site to the south of Mosstodloch (250-350 houses)
  • Strengthened village centre and creation of a village spine
  • Potential sites for solar, combined heat and power (CHP) and a hydrogen hub
  • Extension and enhancement of the path network to create green loops around the village
  • Enhancement and expansion of green spaces including
    • Expanding the green space to the north of Pinewood Road to support community growing
    • New landscaped gateways to the village
    • A new parkland along the Black Burn within the employment area to the west of the village

Following the consultation all responses received will be reported back to the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee to consider along with a final Masterplan. If approved the masterplan will be a material consideration for development management purposes and will be used to inform the new Local Development Plan.

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