FOI Request - Pothole Criteria and Repair Regime

Request 101003326825

1) Has the council moved to a risk based approach when it comes to fixing potholes? If so, when did this happen? Ideally, month/year but if not possible just year?

2) What is your safety inspection regime in terms of checking roads?

3) How do you classify road defects? Do you have a guide for this?

4) Do you have any guidance on when a repair needs to be made? ie) how big does a defect need to get?

5) What is your intervention/investigatory criteria specifically for potholes? Has this changed? Could you provide me with the previous criteria, if so?

Response 22-06-2023

1-5) Please refer to Moray Council Roads Asset Management Plan which is published on the Moray Council website. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

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