FOI Request - School Exclusions
Request 101003320344
1. Please provide me with the number of exclusions from primary schools in your authority which occurred as a direct result of violent incident in a)2018-19, b) 2019-20, c) 2020-21, d)2021-22 and e) 2022-23 to date
2. Please provide me with the number of exclusions from secondary schools in your authority which occurred as a direct result of violent incident in a)2018-19, b) 2019-20, c) 2020-21, d)2021-22 and e) 2022-23 to date
Response 12-06-2023
1. & 2. Please note, the data below is including the following exclusion circumstances as a type of violent incident as recorded on SEEMIS:
Fire Raising
Physical assault using a weapon / improvised weapon / no weapon / threat of physical violence with weapon / improvised weapon / no weapon / threat of sexual violence
Please also note that some incidents will have two or more circumstances recorded.
2018/19 91 40
2019/20 65 37
2020/21 24 38
2021/22 9 60
2022/23 19 86 (as at 30 May 2023)