FOI Request - Asylum Seekers Accommodated in Hotel

Request 101003308653

Update: Question 3f) updated 09-05-2023

Please can you tell me:

1. How many asylum seekers are to be housed in the Eight Acres Hotel
2. How many asylum seekers are to be housed in any other accommodation or hotel in Moray.

3. Of those asylum seekers to be housed in Moray, how many have the following demographics (for the purposes of ease, we will assume that the gender is as stated on their official documents at birth):

a) Male aged over 50
b) Female aged over 50
c) Male aged between 30 and 49
d) Female aged between 30 and 49
e) Male aged between 18 and 29
f) Female aged between 18 and 29

g) Either gender below the age of 18

4. In percentage terms, what nationality does each of the asylum seekers supported by Moray Council hold on their identity documents.

Response 25-05-2023

1. The hotel has capacity to home 51 asylum seekers.

2. None

3. a) Male aged over 50 - none
b) Female aged over 50 - none
c) Male aged between 30 and 49 - unknown but no more than 51
d) Female aged between 30 and 49 - none
e) Male aged between 18 and 29 - unknown but no more than 51
f) Female aged between 18 and 29 - none
g) Either gender below the age of 18 - none

4. Information not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. This information cannot be provided by the local authority; Asylum Contingency Hotels are a Home Office initiative led by Mears Property and Care Providers. The local authority have no direct responsibility for the contingency hotels or their asylum guests, but do work in close partnership with Mears to both support the individuals and help to minimise the impact the contingency hotel may have on community services. If further detail are required in relation asylum contingency hotels please contact the Home Office

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