EIR Request - Increasing Biodiversity

Request 101003296830

I am interested in how biodiversity can intelligently and sustainably be improved across the county.

I have read the Climate Change Strategy and the Moray Local Development Plan, the latter focusing principally on regulation around new builds.

Please could you outline
1. what the council has done and is doing to improve biodiversity in Moray, and
2. what community action is taking place to aid biodiversity targets.

Response 10-05-2023


This information is publicly available or due for publication.

• A Biodiversity Position Statement will be published in the Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee papers for the meeting on 2 May 2023. This can be accessed here: https://moray.cmis.uk.com/moray/CouncilandGovernance/Meetings/tabid/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/1925/Committee/9/SelectedTab/Documents/Default.aspx

• As noted in the request, the council guides the protection, restoration and enhancement of nature within new developments in Moray through EP2 in the Local Development Plan and now through the recently adopted National Planning Framework 4, please see here: http://www.moray.gov.uk/downloads/file134782.pdf and here https://www.gov.scot/publications/national-planning-framework-4-revised-draft/pages/3/
• Information on how Council land is managed for biodiversity such as wildflower plantings and invasive non-native species can be found on Lands, Parks and Countryside web pages  - here: http://www.moray.gov.uk/moray_standard/page_39861.html and on the Council’s news page, here: https://newsroom.moray.gov.uk/news/nature-restoration-fund-worth-gbp-124-000-for-moray

This information is therefore exempt under Section 25 – Information Otherwise Accessible.

2. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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