FOI Request - Adult Social Care

Request 101003282512

1.  What IT system do you use to run your internal adult care / reablement services / scheduling and monitoring?

2.  What is the annual contract value for each contract??

3.  What is the original start date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the start date for each contract.?

4.  What is the actual expiry date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the expiry date for each contract.

5.  When will the council plan to review this contract? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the review date for each contract.

6.  What is the contract period in years? Please include whether the agreement has any extension periods??

7.  What services are provided under the contract? Please do not put hosting, information such as web hosting, file storage, hosted application. The more information the better

8.  Can you please provide me with the contact name of the Service Managers for the HSCP?

9.  Can you please provide me with the names of the Contracts and Commissioning Team members and team structure?

10.  Could you please provide an organisational structure chart for the council HSCP with names. Positions, Responsibilities and contact details (Email and Phone numbers)      
11. How many care homes does the council / HSCP own and run?

12.  Does the council own /oversee any analogue community alarms / technology enabled care devices that they've yet to move to digital and is a plan/supplier already in place for this?

13.  Could you provide details of how the council captures care delivered form external suppliers and who has oversight of this information within the council for the purposes of contract management?

14.  Who is responsible for visiting these suppliers to perform Quality Assurance inspections?

Clarification sought and received 21-04-2023.

Response 24-04-2023

1. We currently use Staffplan Roster & iconnect for Scheduling & Monitoring

2. £52,156.00

3. The original agreement was from 26th February 2013

4. 24th February 2025

5. The Council is in the process of starting the tender process.

6. 2 Years remaining with no extension periods

7. Electronic Scheduling and Monitoring

8. John Campbell, Providers Services Manager 
Roddy Huggan, Commissioning Manager 

9. We only have one member of staff in this team who is Tier 3, Roddy Huggan, Commissioning Manager.
There is a generic email address for the team

10. Please see HSCM Structure here. Please note that Names of staff below senior management are exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002; personal information. The Chief Officer of the Moray Integrated Joint Board (MIJB) is Simon Bokor-Ingram. His email address is

11. None. 

12. Yes - we do own/oversee analogue community alarms / technology enabled care devices that have yet to move to digital. Some equipment has been already moved over in preparation for A2D.  There is a project lead in place to take this forward.

13. Not held. We are not aware of any way of knowing the delivered hours by each external provider. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

14. The Commissioning Team

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