FOI Request - Pothole Compensation Claims

Request 101003269708

1.    How many pothole-related compensation claims for (a) vehicles (including bikes) and (b) personal injury have been submitted to the council in the past five financial years. Please provide results broken down by each year and separated as categories (a) and (b).

2.    Of these claims, how many have been successful and how many were rejected? Please provide results broken down by each year and separated as categories (a) and (b).

3.    Of these claims, how many are yet to be settled? Please provide results broken down by each year and separated as categories (a) and (b).

4.    Please provide the total amount of pothole-related compensation paid out by the council for (a) vehicles damaged by potholes and (b) personal injury in the past five financial years. Please provide results broken down by each year and separated as categories (a) and (b).

5.    What is the highest payment paid out for (a) a vehicle damaged by a pothole and (b) a pothole-caused personal injury for each of the past five financial years?

6.    What is the average individual payout for (a) a vehicles damaged by a pothole and (b) a pothole-caused personal injury claim.  

Response 28-03-2023

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Q1a 38 41 47 21 14 so far
Q1b nil one  nil   9 nil so far
Q2a  2 39 repudiated - 2 settled 3 settled - 39 repudiated 1 settled - 17 repudiated 2 repudiated
Q2b nil 1 repudiated nil 1 settled -7 repudiated  nil


Q3a nil nil 5 ongoing 3 0ngoing 12 ongoing
Q3b nil nil nil 1 ongoing nil


Q4a £369.47 £26,893.01 £1,284.52  £1,067.79 nil
Q4b nil nil nil £1,067.79 nil


Q5a 225.24 £25,283.40 £1,073.52 £1,067.79 nil
Q5b nil nil nil £1,067.79 nil


Q6a £184.73 £13,446.50 £428.17 £1,067.79 nil
Q6b nil nil nil £1,067.79 nil

Please Note:  Payments are reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance – not compensation
All claims and legal costs are covered in our insurance premium

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