FOI Request - Applications for Special Deferral
Request 101003257544
1. I would like to know how many applications the council received for primary one special deferral from 2020-2023 for children who had already turned 5 by the school start date in Aug and therefore would not have had an automatic legal right to defer their primary one start.
2. I would also like to know how many were for disabled or globally delayed children?
3. I would also like to know how many of these were approved.
Response 22-03-2023
1.-3. The information cannot be provided as issuing this information has the potential to identify individual pupils. We follow the code of practice used by The Scottish Government when issuing statistical information. Numbers less than 5 are deemed to be disclosive and are therefore not published. The information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.