FOI Request - Compensation Claims from Road Users Due to Potholes

Request 101003252433

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to request information from Moray Council.

I would like to ask how many compensation claims you have received from road users regarding damage sustained by hitting a pothole since February 2018.  

I would like a yearly breakdown for this information.

In addition, I would like to know how many of these claims were successful for the road users and resulted in the Council paying compensation.

Again, I would like a yearly breakdown for this information.

Response 16-03-2023 

Year Claims Claims settled
2018-19 10 Nil settled
2019-20 54 One settled
2020-21 24 Two settled
2021-22 50 Three settled
2022-23 18 One settled

Note: Payments are reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance – not compensation.

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