FOI Request - Recycling Rates

Request 101003240241

1. What is the recycling rate (as a percentage of the total weight of waste) for all waste produced in the council area for the financial year 2021-22, and from the start of financial year 2022 to 31 December 2022?

2. If the figures for 2022/23 are not yet available, please provide an estimated amount, or the amount recycled thus far.

3. How often in a single four-week period does the council collect recycling bins for the following from domestic households:
a.       Paper/Carboard
b.      Glass
c.       Plastic
d.      Cans

Response 07-03-2023

1. Please Note: We record our yearly recycling rates in calendar years in line with SEPA Waste Data Reporting rather than financial years. Moray Council confirmed household recycling rate for 2021 was 52.2%, as openly reported by SEPA:

2. Estimated recycling rate for 2022 is approximately 57.8%, although this still needs to undergo reconciliation checks and confirmation by SEPA. Confirmation is usually published by SEPA in September/October of the following year.

3. Moray Council recycling collection frequency for all materials from domestic households is every 3 weeks.

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