FOI Request - Modern Languages

Request 101003235917 

I am looking to gather data relating to modern languages, it would be greatly appreciated if you could please provide further information on the following questions:

1. Is there a clear curriculum of L2 in primary schools? For example, is it delivered through a lesson plan or through exposure to common words or phrases? Does it ensure that pupils are provided with the basic knowledge of the L2 language before the L3 entitlement?
2. Have any additional measures or resources been introduced to improve capabilities and confidence in language teaching at primary level?
3. How are the languages offered at each level chosen? Does this differ throughout the council area? What impact does staff knowledge and availability have? What consideration do Gaelic and Scots have?
4. What is the capacity of the schools in your local authority to ensure the implementation of the 1+2 language policy? For example, how many modern language teachers and teaching assistants are currently employed and how has this changed since the introduction of this policy and with changes to the curriculum over the last 10 years?
5. Out of the additional funding from the Scottish Government to support the implementation of 1+2, how much is actually allocated to language learning? How much is utilised for other priorities?
a. Are you using any of the PEF for language provisions or teachers and teaching assistants?

Response 02-03-2023

1. Each school delivers national entitlements in a way that responds to pupil needs and local curriculum structures including curriculum rationale and timetabling.  This level of local empowerment supports schools to design the pupil learning experience in a way that is most suited to pupil needs and context.

2. Schools have a variety of supports available to them to develop skill and confidence in language which is provided at local, regional (Northern Alliance) and national level.  Schools are free to plan for improvement in their school improvement plans if languages are identified as an area for improvement. Teachers also have their own professional development time which can be used to support languages if this is required.

3. The language offer at primary will be based on pupils needs and interest, staff expertise and the curriculum rationale and design used in each school. It is likely that pupils will have allocated time for
discrete teaching of languages as well as opportunities for wider interdisciplinary learning. It is at the discretion of each school as to whether they pursue Gaelic or Scots language learning. Supports exist for this locally and nationally should this be of interest.

4. FTE of Modern Language teachers in secondary schools as at annual September census:

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
23.87 21.00 20.36 18.70 20.98 20.26 21.66 23.78 21.38 24.38


5.  All monies were spent on 1+2.

5a.  PEF money is used by schools for targeted interventions related to poverty.

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