FOI Request - Electric People Carriers/Minibuses

Request 101003227734

The council has recently acquired a number of electric people carriers/minibuses.
1. Can you provide a link to the tender specification that was issued for these vehicles.
2. the link to the Public Contracts Scotland publication for invitation to tender,
3. the link to the tender award details showing
a) number of tenders issued,
b) number of tenders returned,
c) and total cost per tender.  
4. Finally please confirm
a) number of vehicles acquired through this requirement,
b) successful supplier,
c) and total cost of vehicles purchased.

Response 24-02-2023

The Moray Council's contract register is updated monthly and will contain details of live contracts. This can be viewed at

The Contract Award notice for the recent purchase of vehicles is also publically available to view on the Public Contract Scotland Website at;

This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

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