FOI Request - 1140 Hours of Free Childcare

Request 101003224836

For the past five financial years including 2022-2023,

1. In your local authority area the staffing numbers in early learning childcare centres?  

The response should be displayed as follows
Year                     2018-2019   2019-20
Staffing level        X-X-X-X       X-X-X-X

2. In your authorities Early learning and childcare centres the number of staff members who have been signed off with stress or poor mental health?

3. In your authorities Early learning and childcare centres the average pay of teachers and graduates working in funded early learning and childcare centres?

4. In your authorities Early learning and childcare centres the average pay of a Modern Apprentice working in early learning and childcare centres?

Response 13-04-2023


  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
1. No of staff in Nurseries (as at end of March 2023) 86 204 260 285 261
2. No of staff signed off with Depression/Stress? Anxiety <5* <5* 5 20 18
3. Average Pay of Teachers/Graduates in Nurseries Not held - we do not record this** Not held - we do not record this Not held - we do not record this Not held - we do not record this Not held - we do not record this
4. Average Pay of Modern Apprentices in Nurseries £17,096 (LW) £17,605 (LW) £18,435 (LW) £21,125 £21,125

* The number of staff signed off with Depression/Stress/Anxiety is less than 5. Due to the low numbers involved, release of this information could result in the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. 

** Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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