FOI Request - Enterprise Architecture

Request 101003217148

I am undertaking academic research for Enterprise Architecture in local government and would like to enquire about such provisions within your organisation. I would like to submit a Freedom of Information request with the following questions:

1. Please confirm if your organisation has an internal IT architecture and/or Enterprise Architecture function, along with respective job titles and the quantity of these positions. For example - 1x lead architect, 2x solution architect, etc.

2. Please confirm if your organisation uses 3rd party Enterprise Architecture tooling software. For example - Sparx, Bizzdesign, LeanIX, etc.

Response 17-02-2023

1. & 2. Not held. The Moray Council does not have any Enterprise level Architecture tooling software. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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