FOI Request - Mental Health Officer Payscales

Request 101003210768

If possible, can you provide information in relation to the below : -

1. Payscale for Mental Health Officer – if there is no specific payscale for this role, is there an annual premium paid for this role;
2. Payscale for Team Lead/ Advanced Practitioners who also undertake Mental Health Officer duties – if there is no specific payscale for this role, is there an annual premium paid for this role;
3. Payscale for Team Managers who also undertake Mental Health Officer duties – if there is no specific payscale for this role, is there an annual premium paid for this role; and
4. Payscale for any Service Manager or above who undertakes Mental Health Officer duties – if there is no specific payscale for this role, is there an annual premium paid for this role.

5. In addition, can you please advise whether Mental Health Officers in your Local Authority have the job title of Mental Health Officer or if they have another title?

6. Furthermore, can you advise what grade a Mental Health Officer and Social Worker are within your Local Authority?

Response 09-03-2023

1. There is no specific payscale for this role. MHOs carry out the functions of an MHO in addition to their substantive post.
There are two dedicated MHOs who are graded 10 (Advanced Practitioner) but they have additional responsibilities for providing leadership, guidance and training and supervising MHO candidates.
There is a small fixed payment added to all MHOs’ monthly salary regardless of substantive post. This fixed payment does not form part of their salary and therefore is not subject to cost of living pay rises and does not contribute towards pensions.
Payscale grade 9: 39.3K - 43.1k
Payscale Grade 10:  44.5k - 48.6K
Payscale Grade 11: 50K – 54.7k

2. Advanced Practitioners who are MHOs receive the monthly payment in addition to their salary.
Team managers and Consultant Practitioners (Grade 11) who are MHOs also receive the same monthly payment

3. Team managers who are MHOs receive the monthly payment in addition to their salary.

4. Not applicable - No service manager is MHO qualified. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

5. They have a title which reflects their substantive post. 

6. Social workers are grade 9, Advanced Practitioners are grade 10, Team managers and Consultant Practitioners are Grade 11. MHOs are graded according to their substantive post. The two dedicated MHOs are grade 10.

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