FOI Request - Dangerous Wild Animals

Request 101003210753

Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide the following:

1. The current number of DWA licences within your jurisdiction.  
2. For each DWA licence, list all the species and the number of individuals covered.
(In each case, please provide the taxonomic and common name, if possible, to enable the species to be identified.)

3. The number of DWA applications which were made and subsequently refused, and the reasons for refusal, if possible.

Response 02-02-2023

1. 2
2. Licence 22/01986/LICDWA  - 1 Male African Serval
Licence 22/00250/LICDWA - 3 F1 Hybrid Savannah Female Cats.
3. 0 - no information held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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