FOI Request - GTCS Registration Director of Education/Chief Education Officer

Request 101003199696

Please provide the following information adhering to FIO legislation, including respect for applicant blind principles:

1) Does your Director of Education hold GTCS registration, if so- for how many years have they held it?
2) Does your Chief Education Officer hold GTCS registration, if so- for how many years have they held it?  (NB if one in the same person please state)

3) If your Director of Education does not hold GTCS registration, have they ever held it?
4) If your Chief Education Officer does not hold GTCS registration, , have they ever held it?

5) if your Director of Education does not hold GTCS registration but held it before- for how long did they hold it, and when did they stop holding it? Did they lapse registration, if so when? Or did they actively cancel registration? If so, when?
6)  if your Chief Education Officer does not hold GTCS registration but held it before- for how long did they hold it, and when did they stop holding it? Did they lapse registration, if so when? Or did they actively cancel registration? If so, when?

Response 18-01-2023

1. Not held. There is currently no Director of Education in Moray Council. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

2. The Council’s Chief Education Officer was GTCS registered and retained this until they undertook a permanent Head of Service role, which is no longer part of teachers terms and conditions.
Graduation year and length of registration is considered personal information, as such it is exempt under FOISA Sec 38(1)b.

3. See 1. above, Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held

4. See 2. above, Section 38(1)b - personal information

5. See 1. above, Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held

6. See 2. above Section 38(1)b - personal information

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