FOI Request - Licensing Software

Request 101003186231

1. The name, job title and contact details including email address and telephone number for the person responsible for Premises & TENs licensing.

2. Details of your current licensing platform including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract.  The licensing platform is the software you use to manage customers applications, e.g. IDOX, Verso, Civica, Jadu, unless of course you use Word or PDF.

Response 19-12-2022

1. Sean Hoath, Senior Solicitor (Licensing and Regulatory), , tel: 07929785007

2. iDox. Details are published here: 

Please note,  the contract is for support and maintenance for a multiple modules/online portals/connectors/document management/workflow/spatial covered by the one software supplier, IDOX. Service areas coved include Planning, Building Standards, Environmental health, Trading Standards, Estate Management, Licencing, address gazetteer to name a few. The start date of the current contract period was 01/04/2018 and is active through to 31/03/2023. We are unable to provide a contract cost for the individual licencing module as this is part of the overarching contract.

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