FOI Request - Homelessness in Young People

Request 101003185306

I would like to request the information in questions 1-3 for the past 5 years - per year

Within your local authority, how many 18-24 year olds:

1. Presented themselves as homeless, or at risk of homelessness

2. Were subsequently assessed under the Housing Act 1996

3. Were subsequently accepted as statutorily homeless and owed a duty

Response 16-12-2022


Financial Year Homeless
2017/18 139
2018/19 143
2019/20 119
2020/21 99
2021/22 95
2022 so far 66
Total 661

2. This is a English Legislation, however the figures are same as Q1 under the equivalent Scottish Legislation.


Financial Year Statutorily Homeless and Owed a duty
2017/18 71
2018/19 71
2019/20 71
2020/21 66
2021/22 64
2022 so far 34
Total 377

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