FOI Request - Polythene Sacks and Plastic Containers
Request 101003183294
This freedom of information request is purely related to the supply, storage, and purchase of polythene sacks and Wheeled steel and plastic containers, which would usually be handled by the Environmental section or Waste Management team/Street scene.
Polythene Sacks
1. What type of polythene sacks do you currently use for your Environmental/Waste services/Street services such as Commercial Waste/sweeping/clinical/recycling
2. Please supply full specifications for all sacks (sizes/colours/thickness)
3. Which departments use each type of sack
4. Where are the sacks stored (depot etc)
5. How many pallets can be stored on site
6. How often do you purchase each type of sack and in what quantities per annum
7. Please provide current supplier details for all sacks
8. Please provide all associated current prices per 1000 sacks or alternative quantities if purchased in lesser quantities.
9. Are sacks purchased as part of a tender or spot/quote purchasing
10. Please provide contact details of the person(s) in charge of the purchasing of polythene sacks
11. Do you have an annual budget for sacks? if so, what is the overall value
12. If purchased via tender process when is the next process planned for
Containers (Plastic or Steel, including caddies)
13. What type of Containers do you currently use for your Environmental/Waste services
14. Please supply specifications for all containers
15. Which departments use each type of container
16. Where are the containers stored (depot etc)
17. How many containers can be stored on site
18. How often do you purchase each type of container and in what quantities
19. Please provide current supplier details for all containers (table)
20. Please provide all associated current prices per container
21. Are containers purchased as part of a tender or spot purchasing
22. Please provide contact details of the person(s) in charge of the purchasing of containers
23. Do you have an annual budget for containers? if so, what is the overall value
24. If purchased via tender process when is the next process planned for
Response 13-12-2022
1. GR0009CHSA 20KG EXHD Refuse Sack.
2. See response to Question 1.
3. Waste, Schools, Catering, Cleaning.
4. Ashgrove Stores Elgin.
5. Any amount.
6. 1440 boxes of 200 per annum.
7. RPC BPI Refuse.
8. Per quotation.
9. Spot/quote.
10. Debbie Mackenzie:
11. No. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
12. N/A.
13. Bins.
14. 140 litre, 240 litre, 360 litre, 660 litre, 1100 litre, 1280 litre
15. Many.
16. Depot.
17. Any amount.
18. When required.
19. As per Scotland Excel Framework.
20. As per Scotland Excel Framework.
21. As per Scotland Excel Framework.
22. Debbie Mackenzie:
23. £100k
24. As per Scotland Excel Framework.