FOI Request - Analogue to Digital Telecare
Request 101003175303
Could you provide us with details of your arrangements as you prepare for the move from analogue to digital telecare equipment. Specifically:
1. Governance arrangements (specialisms of those involved)
2. Anticipated Timeline (from start date to forecast end date)
3. Procurement Status (how you plan to procure the new equipment and what stage you are at presently)
4. Preferred hardware solution (if any identified)
5. Call handling service compatibility with digital transition (plans to meet changing demand)
6. How you are managing early service user switchovers (clients who move to digital line before digital equipment available)
7. Approach used to secure information about service user's existing telecoms (provider, existing analogue or digital line etc) and time allowed to secure this info
8. Approach used for new service user referrals, who already have a digital line
9. Approximate numbers of service users who require to transition
10. Any details of a contact person who would be happy for us to get in touch to discuss further
Response 28-11-2022
1. Head of Service was overseeing the transition
2. This is still being matured, start date was 30/9/21 and potential end date 7/07/23.
3. Through Scotland Excel, planning stage
4. Possum Units to be used for replacement within the Scotland Excel Framework
5. Currently in discussions Grampian Wide with Shared ARC
6. These are being managed through our Community OT Service and implemented by Technicians form our Equipment Store.
7. Technicians have this information and are changing as and when notification given on existing service.
8. Digital equipment being provided
9. 235
10. John Campbell (