FOI Request - Housing Management System
Request 101003172211
A. General:
1. Does your local authority use Housing case management system(s)? If so, please list the name of the supplier(s).
2. Can you provide a name for the system(s)?
3. What is the contract start date for your Housing management supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
4. What is the contract end date for your Housing management supplier? (dd/mm/yy)
5. What was the annual cost of your Housing management supplier(s) for the financial year 19/20 (April 2020 - March 2021)
6. 21/22 (April 21 - March 22)
7. 22/23 (April 2022 - March 2023)?
8. Do you intend to go to tender for a new Housing Management system at the end of your contract?
9. If yes have you already started that process?
10. When do you hope to complete this exercise? (date)
11. Please list which modules you have purchased within the Housing Systems? Estates; Service Charges; Customer Services; Core Bundle; My Accounts; Allocations; Allocations - Homelessness; Audit; BARIS; My Applications; Rents; InterFinder; Planned Maintenance; Private Leasing; My Housing Options; Repairs; ChoiceBased Lettings - CBL (Full); Property Purchase; My Repairs; Task Manager – All HAHO
12. Please state which reporting tool you use
13. If combination please specify
14. How many number of residents are in Temporary accommodation?
15. How many number of residents are in Council's owned properties?
16. How many are in accommodation to which the council is responsible for repairs?
17. How many external contractors do you have that support the council with repairs, adaptations etc?
18. Please state how many users use the Housing Case Management Application?
B Application Database server location:
1. Application On Premises
2. Do you have any plans to move to a hosted environment?
3. If yes, please state the date
C Applications Hosted:
1. If hosted what date did you move to being Hosted
2. Hosted by (Hosted by external organisation e.g. Microsoft cloud etc.)
3. Is the Hosted contact full managed by the supplier
4. As part of the Hosted contract, does the supplier complete your upgrades? (New releases and patches)
5. Do you have access to the database?
6. Does your LA have the ability to run scripts on the database? Or do you commission the supplier
D Other Applications linked to your main Housing Case Management Application (Repeat if you have more than one):
1. Does your organisation use any other third-party systems or service providers to support your organisation with Housing management If yes, please fill out the below for all third-party systems used-
2. Please state the name of the application and the supplier
3. Please state the suppliers name
4. Give a brief description of function
E Internal Staff who support/manage the application:
1. How many members of staff are there in the application support team that maintains the database/application?
2. How many members of your team are full-time?
3. How many members of your team are part-time?
4. How many Managers(or equivalent) are in you team?
5. How many Senior members(or equivalent) are on your team?
6. How many Support officers(or equivalent) are in your team?
7. What is the Managers (or equivalent) salary?
8. What is the Senior members(or equivalent) salary?
9. What is the Support officers(or equivalent) salary
F Training:
1. Does your team provide system training?
2. If yes, what type of training?
3. If internal training is not provided, do you have an external resource from your team?
4. If external, who are the training providers?
5. Is the training classroom based?
6. If no is this conducted via online?
Response 16-11-2022
A. General:
1. NEC Software Solutions
2. NEC Housing
3. 01-Apr-2010
4. None
5. This information is commercially sensitive so is therefore exempt under section 33(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Commercial Interests and Economy.
6. This information is commercially sensitive so is therefore exempt under section 33(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Commercial Interests and Economy.
7. This information is commercially sensitive so is therefore exempt under section 33(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Commercial Interests and Economy.
8. No
9. Not applicable
10. Not applicable
11. Estates - Yes; Service Charges - No; Customer Services - No; Core Bundle - Yes; My Accounts - No; Allocations - Yes; Allocations – Homelessness - Yes; Audit - Yes; BARIS - Yes; My Applications - Yes; Rents - Yes; InterFinder - Yes; Planned Maintenance - Yes; Private Leasing - No; My Housing Options - No; Repairs - Yes; ChoiceBased Lettings - CBL (Full) - No; Property Purchase - No; My Repairs - No; Task Manager – All HAHO - No
12. Business intelligence BOXI in respect of the Housing Management system
13. Not applicable
14. At 4 November there are 113 occupying homeless temporary accommodation.
15. At 4 November there are 6,194 occupied council owned properties.
16. At 4 November there are 6,204 occupied properties which the Council is responsible for repairs.
17. 45 Contractors
18. 190
B Application Database server location:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not applicable
C Applications Hosted: Not applicable
D Other Applications linked to your main Housing Case Management Application: Not applicable
E Internal Staff who support/manage the application:
1. Within Housing & Property – one; within ICT – one
2. One
3. None
4. One
5. One
6. One
7. Grade 12 - £52,893.10
8. Grade 9 - £41,074.15
9. Grade 8 - £34,759.40
F Training:
1. Yes
2. Basic introduction and on-the-job training
3. Not applicable
4. Not applicable
5. Yes, if requested
6. Yes, if requested