FOI Request - Anti- Social Behaviour
Request 101003171955
Can I please request the following information?
1. How many reports of anti-social behaviour did the council receive?
2. How did the council respond to reports of anti-social behaviour? Eg. Fines, FPN’s, warnings etc.
3. How many noise complaints related to anti-social behaviour were received?
4. How much graffiti was reported and how much was removed by the council?
Could these pieces of information be presented by year for the past six years and divided into months, including this year (so far). Could it also be divided by region, using whatever geographical divisions the council currently use for data.
Response 05-12-2022
1. The response to your request can be found here.
2. To find out in details if warning letters etc. were sent would require looking through every job which would take more than 40 hours and this would cost the Council in excess of £600. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, excessive cost, we are therefore unable to comply with your request.
3. The response to your request can be found here.
4. Number of graffiti removals:
19/20 - 7
20/21 - 6
21/22 - 16
Each instance listed would consist of one report and one removal.
Information for the years other that those listed is not held and the information is not stored in a format that would allow us to break it down into monthly totals. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.