FOI Request - Temporary Accommodation

Request 101003171252 

1. Please provide information on how many young people/families have been placed in holiday lets by council departments/bodies working on behalf of the council eg. social services, housing associations, etc.

(I would like information on all bookings made on behalf of anyone by or on behalf of the local authority. I understand these bookings typically relate to families with children and young people aged over 16 but under 18, which is why I used that terminology.)

Please break this down into which platform was used to book the holiday let, e.g. Airbnb/

Please also provide information on total costs of using this type of accommodation.

Please provide this information for the last five years (2018 - 2022 inclusive), and please break the information down year-by-year.

5 bookings on Airbnb
3 bookings on
Total cost £8,000

Response 14/11/2022

1. NIL 

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