FOI Request - Suicide Prevention for Veterans
Request 101003169624
Under Freedom of Information Act 2002, I request this information in electronic form:
1. Does the local authority have an agreed suicide prevention action plan or strategy?
a) If so, does this strategy recognise veterans as an at-risk, priority or tailored group?
b) If so, does your strategy reference veterans in any other way?
c) If so, when is your strategy due to be reviewed?
2. Does the local authority have Armed Forces and Veterans Champion?
a) If so, what is the name and contact email address of your Armed Forces and Veterans Champion?
Response 11-11-2022
1. Health and Social Care Moray have recently committed to a Grampian Wide Strategic Partnership to develop a suicide Prevention Strategy. This work will be supported by SAMH.
In preparation, a multi-agency / lived experience local Suicide Prevention Steering Group is being set up to prioritise and implement local action. This will be overseen by the Moray Making Recovery Real Partnership. Local action will include consideration of interventions specifically related to veterans.
Although detail around the suicide prevention strategy is still to be developed, as a community with strong links to military services, personnel and their families, Health and Social Care Moray fully understand the range of mental health care and support needs specific to this population. As an organisation we both provide and engage with a range of mental health services for military veterans. In Moray, we do have a low threshold for accepting service referrals for military personnel and veterans and we do prioritise services, especially where there is a post traumatic feature of mental ill health.
2. Does the local authority have Armed Forces and Veterans Champion? YES
a) Alasdair Pattinson, General Manager at Dr Gray’s Hospital. EM: