FOI Request - Ice Cleats

Request 101003162501

Any reference to Ice Cleats below is a reference to any protective footwear/ or attachment to footwear which is designed to prevent the wearer from slipping/ tripping or falling on Ice or Snow.

1.   1. Has the Local Authority purchased any “Ice Cleats” in the last 3 years?  

2. If the answer is “Yes” for question 1:  

a)     For which Department were the Ice Cleats purchased? e.g. refuse collectors, food   delivery staff, outdoor workers, care workers.
b)    How many Ice Cleats did you buy and who from?
c)     What was the total expenditure on ice cleats?
d)    Which Ice Cleat products were purchased (name of product) and what was the price paid for each product (per Ice Cleat)?

3. If the answer is “No” to question 1:

a)      Have any proposal been made to purchase or is the Local Authority contemplating purchasing any ice cleats for winter 2022/23 to help employees work during snow/icy conditions and if so for which departments?  
b)      How many refuse collectors do you employ.?
c)      How many outdoor workers do you employ? Outdoor staff means workers whose principal work in the outdoors environment and not inside a building e.g. street cleaners (an estimate would suffice here) and in which departments.
d)      How many Visiting Staff do you employ- staff who need to visit local residents to e.g. check up on their health and well being e.g. home carers (an estimate would suffice here).

4. How many of your employees were injured in the last 3 years due to slip, trips or falls in icy/snowy conditions?  Which department do these employees work in?   

5.Please can you confirm the name and email address for the following:
a)      Head of Refuse Collection
b)      Head of Highways
c)      Head of Greenspaces/ Landscaping/ Grounds Maintenance
d)      Head of Facilities Management
e)      Head of Street Cleaning
f)       Head of Home Carers
g)      Head of Adult Care
h)      Head of Community Safety
i)        Head of Parking / Civil Enforcement Officers
j)        Head of Health and Safety
k)      Head of Procurement
l)        Stores Manager (i.e. buying stock and warehousing it for use by Council employees in the future)
m)   Head of Estates

Response 04-11-2022

1. Yes (for Adult Social Care); No (for Environmental & Commercial Services)

2a)    Support workers
b)    Not known
c)    Not known
d)    Non slip soles

3a). No.

b) 76.

c). Approximately 152


3. Not applicable for Adult Social Care

4. 19 accidents in the last three dates caused by slipping on ice. Staff from numerous departments including Education, Roads, Waste, Open Spaces and HSCM.

5a) - e) Nicola Moss, Head of Environmental and Commercial Services (

f)  Head of Home Carers - John Campbell, Provider Services Manager (

g) Head of Adult Care – Sean Coady, Head of Service (

h) Head of Community Safety - Jim Grant (; Andy Stewart (Principal Environmental Health Officer) is first point of contact (

j) Not held - there is no job title Head of Health and Safety.Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. The function is carried out by Katrina McGillivray, Organisational Development Manager ( and Frances Garrow, Head of HR, ICT and OD (   

k) Diane Beattie, Payments Manager (

l) Leslie Thomson, Fleet Services Manager (

m) Head of Housing and Property Services - Edward Thomas (

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