FOI Request - Emergency Wheelchair Accomodation
Request 101003161675
I am submitting this freedom of information request to find out what accommodation the council owns, or has in place through subcontracting, and is able to provide on an emergency basis for people who use wheelchairs and present as homeless. As well as details on how many requests for emergency accommodation you receive.
Specifically, accommodation that is accessible by wheelchair and as per the standards set in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004, provides safe, convenient and unassisted means of access to the building. As well as the other standards laid out in the technical handbook:
1. Please provide information on how many properties fulfilling this standard which the council and its associated housing associations can provide on an emergency basis. Can you please provide a breakdown on which group has ownership of these properties, and how many of these properties are currently vacant, or have been in the last 30 days?
2. Furthermore, how many requests were made each year for emergency accommodation from wheelchair users, or on behalf of wheelchair users (for example, a charity or organisation working as an advocate or support provider), in the last five years? Please provide a breakdown by year and housing association.
Response 01-11-2022
1. The council maintains a stock of temporary homeless accommodation made up of properties in the community as well as within communal, hostel-style buildings. There are 3 wheelchair accessible properties within this number made up of 2 council owned properties and 1 which is leased from a RSL. None of these properties are currently vacant and none have become available in the last 30 days.
2. We have had 2 requests in the last 5 years from applicants who required wheelchair accessible accommodation. 1 request in 2017 and 1 request in 2019. Both of these applicants were accommodated in suitable accommodation.