FOI Request - Developer Contributions
Request 101003161058
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act, regarding developer contributions, or section 75 payments.
Specifically, my request concerns unpaid and overdue payments, for example payments that were tied to a specific date or point in a project, or payments that have been invoiced for but not received.
For every payment that is owed to the council, I would like the following details:
a) The amount of money owed;
b) The date by which it was supposed to have been paid OR;
c) If payment is tied to a trigger point in development rather than a date, then the date an invoice was raised
d) The reference number for the associated planning case
Response 31-10-2022
a) i) £1,805.00 ii) £75,568.38
b) N/A
c) i) Invoice Raised 15/09/2022 ii) Invoice Raised 15/08/2022 on Trigger Point
d) Disclosure of the requested information could substantially prejudice commercial interests and so it is exempt under section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, commercial interests. Disclosure of the requested information would also be likely to identify the individuals involved. This information is therefore exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information(Scotland) Act 2002 ‘personal information’.