FOI Request - School Repairs

Request 101003159806

I am requesting the following under freedom of information legislation:

For the past five academic years up to 2021-22

The total cost of building repairs in your primary and Secondary schools.

If possible I would like

1. a total cost for both primary and secondary per year for the past five years.

Response 24-10-2022

1. Please note that financial reporting is done by Financial Year (Apr-Mar) and not academic years. To present by academic years would take significantly more time.

Make Do and Mend programme of works (capital spend on planned building maintenance works):

  2021/22 2020/21 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
Primary 3,341,407 670,532 1,574,136 2,167,342 2,006,032
Secondary 1,107,897 231,402 1,377,764    684,524 1,837,187
Total 4,449,304 901,934 2,951,900 2,851,866 3,843,219


Repair works (revenue spend on unplanned reactive repairs):

  2021/22 2020/21 2019/20  2018/19  2017/18
Primary 1,054,832 470,078 594,033 866,024 888,045
Secondary    464,633 355,662 362,874 408,609 451,527
Total 1,519,465 825,740 956,906 1,274,633 1,339,572



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