FOI Request - Business Rates Credits

Request 101003159780

Please can you email me a list of September/October (most current) business rates credits you currently hold for businesses including:

"           The company name for whom the credit exists
"           The start date of the business rates account
"           If the account is still live or the date it ended
"           The full property address of the property with the credit on
"           The date / year of when the credit was created
"           The full amount of credit you hold for the business
"           The reason for the credit e.g., retail relief  

Response 26-10-2022

Moray Council publishes quarterly information on Non Domestic Rates on its website relating to accounts in credit. This can be found at webpage

This was last updated at 1st October 2022. The next update will be 1st January 2023. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

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