EIR Request - Flood Scheme River Spey Garmouth

Request 101003156823 

On 28th September 2022, council officials submitted reports, drawings and costings for a flood scheme on the River Spey at Garmouth. Under the freedom of information legislation I request full copies of all technical drawings, quantities of materials to be used and a break down of individual costs quoted.

Response 26-10-2022

The requested information has been published as part of a Council committee report and is available on the website and is therefore exempt under Section 6(1)b - otherwise available and accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page: https://moray.cmis.uk.com/moray/CouncilandGovernance/Meetings/tabid/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/1911/Committee/2/Default.aspx (see Item 14, Appendix 1).

With regards to costings, we consider this information exempt under section Section 10(5) f - third party interests.

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