FOI Request - Swing Parks and ASN Swing Parks
Request 101003154628
I am looking at collating information around swing parks in your local authority area, therefore, could you please provide me with the following information:
1. How many swing parks have been put in, within the last 10 years?
2. How any ASN swing parks have been put in, within the last 10 years?
3. How many of these swing parks, included ASN swing parks, have been upgraded?
4. What is the Council spend on those?
Response 18-10-2022
1. Open Spaces Team are holding information for the last 5 year period (2017-to date) - No new play parks created in last 5 years but there has been ongoing upgrading through renewal of units and safety surfacing upgrades within existing sites.
For Housing and Property Services the following have been installed in the last 10 years:
Town Postcode Street Council properties
Buckie AB56 1GE Alba Road area 152
Elgin IV30 6GH McMillan Avenue area 146
Elgin IV30 8AB Cooperage Close area 31
Elgin IV30 8AL Dunvegan Crescent area 21
Elgin IV30 8AW Fyvie Green area 50
Forres IV36 2PA Falconer Avenue area 87
Keith AB55 5GD Colvin Court area 31
Mosstodloch IV32 7AA Speymouth Drive area 76
2. No specific ASN parks although all of the above have some ASN equipment and more easily accessible surfacing (e.g. removal and replacement of bark pits with rubber matting to remove changes in height). The percentage of ASN equipment is determined through Community Consultation.
3. 11 sites have been upgraded in the last 5 year period: St. Rufus Park, Well Road Park, Portknockie Nursery, Ian Johnston Park Mosstodloch Park, Burghead Park, Hopeman Park, Linzee Gordon Park, Commerce Street Play Area, Lhanbryde Play Area, Rothes Play Area. None of Housing and Property Services 8 parks have been upgraded.
4. For the period 2017 – 2022: £470,973. For the 8 installed by Housing and Property Services, as far as we can establish we have no records of spend on these since they were installed.