FOI Request - Children's Playgrounds

Request 101003153695

Please could you provide the following information for the financial year 2019/20:
1. How many children’s playgrounds did your authority manage?
2. How much did your authority spend on children’s playgrounds, including inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement?
3. How much did your authority spend on the creation of new children’s playgrounds?
For clarity, I am interested in children’s playgrounds located in public and semi-public spaces such as parks, open spaces, housing estates and adventure playgrounds. I am not interested in school playgrounds.


Response 11-10-2022

1. 122 managed by Open Spaces team (30 of those are in school playgrounds) and the following table shows those managed by Housing and Property Services


Town Post Code Street Council Properties
Buckie AB56 1GE Alba Road area 152
Elgin IV30 6GH McMillan Avenue area 146
Elgin 1V30 8AB Cooperage Close area 31
Elgin IV30 8AL Dunvegan Crescent area 21
Elgin IV30 8AW Fyvie Green area 50
Forres IV36 2PA Falconer Avenue area 87
Keith AB55 5GD Colvin Court area 31
Mosstodloch IV32 7AA Speymouth Drive area 76


2. 122 managed by Open Spaces team: £100,457.86    For the 8 above managed by Housing and Property Services – as far as they can establish they have no records of spend since installation.

3. £0 - no new play areas created only existing ones upgraded

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