FOI Request - Cats Protection

Request 101003147325

1. How many cat Road Traffic Accident (RTA) carcasses have been collected in each of following years?

Please indicate which of the following statements apply by ticking yes or no for each statement.
a) Authority (or ALEO) disposes of the cat carcass immediately it is returned to the Council/ALEO depot: Yes/No
b) Authority (or ALEO) logs descriptive details of the cat carcass, cat’s appearance, with a description of when and where it was found etc.: Yes/No
c) Authority (or ALEO) keeps the cat carcass in a freezer for a set period so it can inform enquirers if they contact the authority that they have collected a cat resembling that “lost” by the owner. Yes/No

Please indicate which of the following statements apply by ticking yes or no for each statement.
a) In 2017, when we contacted you about cat RTA victims your Council said the Authority (or ALEO) did not scan cat RTA victims collected for a microchip and record the chip number. Does the Authority (or ALEO) now do this?

b) If yes do you then identify the owner (via the microchip company) and try to contact them e.g. by phone?

c) If your Authority (or ALEO) does not scan cat RTA victims please tick which of the following statements are relevant - you can tick multiple answers.
Not thought about it
Do not have scanners
Too time consuming to scan
Don’t know what to do with information that appears on scanner
Other – please specify

d) If your Authority (or ALEO) does not scan cat RTA victims – please answer the following question.
If scanners were provided free of charge together with information about how to find the owner details from the information appearing on the scanner would you or (ALEO) consider scanning cat RTA victims?
Please circle the relevant answer:
Yes                     No                               Don’t know

Response 30-09-2022

2019 - 8
2020 - 9
2021 - 9

2a. No.

2b. No.

2c. No.

3a. No.

3b. N/A.

3c. Do not have scanners  

3d. Yes                    

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